The Looking Glass

small_alice-through-the-looking-glassA looking glass is commonly referred to as the mirror in the days of old. The term is no longer used this modern age. Anyhow, the most distinguishing mark of a mirror is its ability to reflect an image. Anybody looking through it can view the image it reflected.

There was a book authored by Lewis Carroll entitled “Alice through the Looking Glass”, a sequel to the first, “Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland.” This sequel, like the first one narrates the events that took place inside the dreams of the main character, however the story begins while Alice was sitting on a chair inside their house staring at that looking glass house while playing his pet cat. The story unfolds when suddenly Alice steps into that looking glass house. On the opposite side of the mirror, everything turns topsy-turvy.

Without the God of the Bible, reality would be so confusing and topsy-turvy. Like Alice’s view inside the looking glass, the worldview of anyone if they first look at things perceivable to them would only end up in chaos.

What separates a true “Bible believing Christian” (emphasis intended) from the rest is that their worldview starts and ends with God. The Bible’s opening statement, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” is so potent to dispel any confusion and chaos that any philosophical ideas are creating. It is potent enough to declare that everything around has a beginning, even time itself, and moves linearly from one point to another. Everything happens not in a vicious cycle where there is neither beginning nor end. Moreover, everything existed because there is somebody who intellectually created and sovereignly sustained everything.

In contrast, the history of the development of the philosophical quest for ultimate reality from ancient Greek civilization up to this date, end up in cyclical stages heightening in a dilemma or skepticism. From Thales, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, up to the modern day philosophers, all their works were progressively refuting one from another always building up confusion and chaos. They are looking at their present state and working back the time when everything begins.

Now, this is where I am coming from. I am a confessed Bible believing Christian who will try to give regard to the contents of the Bible from its first verse to the last. My worldview and opinions, as best as I could should always be in conjunction with what it says.

P.S.: I urge everyone who read this initial blog of the several blogs onwards to comment. With this we can exchange ideas and that I may have some clue as to what would be my next entry be. Thanks for the visit.


This is another attempt to get a presence in the virtual world.

Several years ago, i had a blog. I am blessed to have a good number of faithful followings then. Though it is not that great number, yet they are reason enough to encourage me keeping me write entries. They actively give their opinions and comments, thus producing some healthy discussions.

The topics written revolves around personal finance. Social issues were also discussed a few times then.

The main objective this time is not just a mere presence. I am trying my best not to just write for the sake of having a blog entry. I want every blog entry for readers to know me and my views. At best, I hope I would be able to influence others or me being influenced by them–influence for personal growth–through the exchanges in the comments.

There will be no particular subject in mind. All entries would somehow involve the discussion of faith and religion, sports and wellness, and social and family issues. Comments of those who may stumble upon my blog may influence me in the topic of my blog entry. So, everyone is encouraged to at least have your say, if you ever read one of my entries.

I am now looking forward to publishing my first entry anytime soon. I give myself a quota of at least one entry per week.

God bless everyone!